+VG Architects' adaptive reuse of the Niagara Parks Power Station on the cover of the September 2022 Retrofit Magazine.

The thrill of seeing your clients’ work on the cover of a publication never grows old… We always aim for the top and it’s great to see that we haven’t lost our touch: we’re delighted to have procured, with our partner David Lasker, the cover of the September 2022 issue of Retrofit Magazine for our clients +VG Architects’ Niagara Parks Power Station project.

There is a great deal of strategy involved in procuring top PR coverage: sometimes your project speaks for itself, but most often you have to be creative and resourceful in devising unique story angles and ideas, and in finding new and unexpected audiences for your story. And critically, understanding whom to pitch, in what sequence, and when, often means the difference between a story on page 27 and the cover. If you would like to know how best to place your work in front of the widest possible audience, give us a call!


Oomph in DesignRush!


Congratulations to +VG Architects on the adaptive reuse and heritage restoration of the Niagara Parks Power Station.